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Preprints mv., Matematisk Afdeling 1997-

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Kort beskrivelse:
Samlingen omfatter preprints mv. fra Matematisk Afdeling, Institut for Matematiske Fag, Københavns Universitet fra perioden 1997-. Bemærk, at før 1. januar 1997 var Matematisk Afdeling det separate Matematisk Institut og preprints derfra er i en separat samling. Udover preprints er også medtaget publikationer fra afdelingens andre publikationsserier: Rapportserien og Ph.D. Series.

Samlingen omfatter 2 arkivkasser.

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Copyright til de enkelte preprints er forfatterens eller evt. tidsskriftet hvor det senere er publiceret.

Denne registrant er påbegyndt af Kurt Ramskov, den 1. juli 1998, men bliver løbende udbygget.

Hylde 3, Skab C, bibliotekets filial.

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Preprints og øvrige publikationer er sorteret kronologisk.

Box 1
1997: Preprint Series No. 1-24; Report Series No. 1-2; Ph.D. series No. 1
1998: Preprint Series No. 1-18; Report Series No. 1

Box 2
1999: Preprint Series No. 1-

Lister over preprints m.m. år for år

Preprint Series 1997

  1. Carl Winsløw: A linguistic approach to the justification problem in mathematics education. Januar 1997.
  2. Carl Winsløw: Extensions and limit range for endomorphisms, I. Januar 1997.
  3. Erik Kristensen: On invertibility preserving linear mappings, simultaneous triangularization and property L. Februar 1997.
  4. Peter Jørgensen: Right-triangulated categories and Brown-representability. Marts 1997.
  5. Peter Jørgensen: Properties of AS-Cohen-Macaulay algebras. Marts 1997.
  6. Gert K. Pedersen: Extensions of C*-Algebras. Marts 1997.
  7. Gert K. Pedersen: Factorization in C*-Algebras. April 1997.
  8. Carl Winsløw: Matematikkens sproglighed som didaktisk potentiale. April 1997.
  9. Jesper M. Møller: The p-compact group PU(p) is totally N-determined. April 1997.
  10. J. P. R. Christensen, V. Kanovei, S. A. Terwijn & D. Zambella: On the Complexity of Finitely Additive Measures. April 1997.
  11. Niels Grønbæk & Anthony To-Ming Lau: On Hochschild cohomology of the augmentation ideal of a locally compact group. July 1997.
  12. Jesper M. Møller: The 3-compact group DI(2). September 1997.
  13. Carl Winsløw: Justifying mathematics as a way to communicate. September 1997.
  14. Vladimir M. Manuilov: Almost commutativity implies asymptotic commutativity. October 1997.
  15. Gert K. Pedersen: Pullback and Pushout Constructions in C*-Algebra Theory. October 1997.
  16. Marius Dadarlat & Søren Eilers: Approximate homogeneity is not a local property. October 1997.
  17. Christian Berg: On som indeterminate moment problems for measures on a geometric progression. October 1997.
  18. Nadia S. Larsen & Iain Raeburn: Faithful representations of crossed products by actions of Nk. October 1997.
  19. Marius Dadarlat & Søren Eilers: The Bockstein map is necessary. November 1997.
  20. Tadie: Subhomogeneous and Singular Quasilinear Emden-type ODE. November 1997.
  21. Jesper Lützen: A matter of matter or a matter of space? November 1997.
  22. Gerd Grubb: Trace expansions for pseudodifferential boundary problems for Dirac-type operators and more general systems. November 1997.
  23. Kjeld B. Laursen: The Browder spectrum through local spectral theory. December 1997.
  24. Søren Eilers & Terry A. Loring: Computing contingencies for stable relations. December 1997.

Report Series 1997

  1. Carl Winsløw: Endomorphisms, automorphisms and subfactors of von Neumann algebras. Januar 1997.
  2. V. S. Varadarajan: Niels Vigand Pedersen (1949-1996): Some Reflections. Oktober 1997.

Ph.D. Series 1997

  1. Christian Grønbæk: On bivariant periodic cyclic homology. Maj 1997.

Preprint Series 1998

  1. C. Bessenrodt, J. B. Olsson, M. Xu: On properties of the Mullineux map with an application to Schur modules. January 1998.
  2. Carl Winsløw: On the role of transformations in mathematical discourse. February 1998.
  3. Lars Winther Christensen: Semi-dualizing Complexes and their Auslander Categories. January 1998.
  4. Mikael Rørdam: On sums of finite projections. April 1998.
  5. Peter Jørgensen: Gorenstein homomorphisms of non-commutative rings. April 1998.
  6. Peter Jørgensen: Intersection theory on non-commutative surfaces. June 1998.
  7. Tadie: On uniqueness conditions for decreasing solutions of semilinear elliptic equations. June 1998.
  8. Lars Winther Christensen: Sequences for Complexes. June 1998.
  9. Henrik Laurberg Pedersen: Entire functions and logarithmic sums over nonsymmetric sets of the real line. August 1998.
  10. Kurt Ramskov: Fra de akademiske kulisser: universitetets matematiske stillinger 1909-17. September 1998.
  11. Christian Berg: From discrete to absolutely continuous solutions of indeterminate moment problems. September 1998.
  12. Tadié: On positive solutions of the equation $\Delta$U + f(|x|) Up = 0 in Rn. September 1998.
  13. Tadié: On positive solutions for $\Delta_m$U + g(|x|,U,|$\nabla$U|) = 0. September 1998.
  14. Pedro Balodis Matesanz & Jan Philip Solovej: On the asymptotic exactness of Thomas-Fermi theory in the thermodynamic limit. September 1998.
  15. Peter Friis & Mikael Rørdam: Approximation with normal operators with finite spectrum, and an elementary proof of a Brown-Douglas-Fillmore theorem. October 1998.
  16. George A. Willis: Further properties of the scale function on a totally disconnected group. October 1998.
  17. Lawrence G. Brown: A Note on Continuity of Actions of Groups and Semigroups on Banach Spaces. November 1998.
  18. Lawrence G. Brown & Gert K. Pedersen: Extremal K-Theory and Index for C*-Algebras. December 1998.

Report Series 1998

  1. Kurt Ramskov: Matematikhistorisk litteratur på dansk, specielt den ældre del. Februar 1998.

Preprint Series 1999

  1. Gert K. Pedersen: Operator Differentiable Functions. February 1999.
  2. Eberhard Kirchberg & Mikael Rørdam: Non-simple purely infinite C*-algebras. March 1999.
  3. Peter Jørgensen & James Zhang: Gourmet's Guide to Gorensteinness. April 1999.
  4. Tadié: On singular ground states for $\nabla$u = u+$\gamma$ in Rn, n > 2; Monotonicity of the atomic radius in the Thomas-Fermi theory. April 1999.
  5. Francesc Perrera: Lifting units modulo exchange ideals and C*-algebras with real rank zero. May 1999.
  6. Peter Jørgensen: Phantom maps of modules. May 1999.
  7. Søren Eilers: Approximate homogeneity of C*-algebras with finitely many ideals. May 1999.
  8. Marius Dadarlat and Søren Eilers: On the classification of nuclear C*-algebras. May 1999.
  9. M. Moser, A. Prets and W. L. Spitzer: Time evolution of Spin Waves. May 31, 1999.