Samlingen omfatter preprints mv. fra Matematisk Afdeling,
Institut for Matematiske Fag, Københavns Universitet fra
perioden 1997-. Bemærk, at før 1. januar 1997 var
Matematisk Afdeling det separate Matematisk Institut og preprints
derfra er i en separat samling.
Udover preprints er også medtaget publikationer fra afdelingens
andre publikationsserier: Rapportserien og Ph.D. Series.
Samlingen omfatter 2 arkivkasser.
Samlingen er løbende overdraget til arkivet.
Copyright til de enkelte preprints er forfatterens eller evt.
tidsskriftet hvor det senere er publiceret.
Denne registrant er påbegyndt af Kurt Ramskov, den 1.
juli 1998, men bliver løbende udbygget.
C. Bessenrodt, J. B. Olsson, M. Xu:On properties
of the Mullineux map with an application to Schur modules.
January 1998.
Carl Winsløw:On the role of transformations
in mathematical discourse. February 1998.
Lars Winther Christensen:Semi-dualizing Complexes
and their Auslander Categories. January 1998.
Mikael Rørdam:On sums of finite projections.
April 1998.
Peter Jørgensen:Gorenstein homomorphisms
of non-commutative rings. April 1998.
Peter Jørgensen:Intersection theory on non-commutative
surfaces. June 1998.
Tadie:On uniqueness conditions for decreasing solutions
of semilinear elliptic equations. June 1998.
Lars Winther Christensen:Sequences for Complexes.
June 1998.
Henrik Laurberg Pedersen:Entire functions and logarithmic
sums over nonsymmetric sets of the real line. August 1998.
Kurt Ramskov:Fra de akademiske kulisser: universitetets
matematiske stillinger 1909-17. September 1998.
Christian Berg:From discrete to absolutely continuous
solutions of indeterminate moment problems. September 1998.
Tadié:On positive solutions of the equation
$\Delta$U + f(|x|) Up = 0 in Rn.
September 1998.
Tadié: On positive solutions for $\Delta_m$U
+ g(|x|,U,|$\nabla$U|) = 0. September 1998.
Pedro Balodis Matesanz & Jan Philip Solovej:On
the asymptotic exactness of Thomas-Fermi theory in the thermodynamic
limit. September 1998.
Peter Friis & Mikael Rørdam:Approximation
with normal operators with finite spectrum, and an elementary
proof of a Brown-Douglas-Fillmore theorem. October 1998.
George A. Willis:Further properties of the scale
function on a totally disconnected group. October 1998.
Lawrence G. Brown:A Note on Continuity of Actions
of Groups and Semigroups on Banach Spaces. November 1998.
Lawrence G. Brown & Gert K. Pedersen:Extremal
K-Theory and Index for C*-Algebras. December 1998.