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Harald Bohr Papers

General description of the collection

A short description:
This collection consist of manuscripts, notes, correspondence, obituaries, newspaper articles etc. Regarding the size the educational material and the material from the publication in 1952-53 of Bohr's Collected Mathematical Works is the largest. The educational material consists a major part of his manuscripts for lectures and his copies of mathematical textbooks with his comments. Virtual all the material from the publication of the Collected Mathematical Works has been conserved, i.e. the organisational plan of the works, correspondence with the publisher, editors etc.

The biographical material in the collection is reprints of most of the obituaries of Bohr, press clippings about Bohr, some photos of him and other personal papers. The correspondence is only scientific correspondence, but only a small fraction of Bohr's total scientific correspondence. The scientific manuscripts and notes are almost all from Bohr's years of study 1904-10. There is furthermore a collection of speeches given by Bohr at various occasions. In its entirety the material is from the period 1904-65 and in one of the languages: Danish, German, English or French, with the major part in Danish.

The collection is contained in 17 archival boxes.

Handed over:
The major part of the collection was located in the basement of the mathematical library in the E block of the H. C. Ørsted Instituttet in the fall of 1996. Probably it was the papers left by Bohr at the institute when he died in 1951. They were later organized by the mathematician Børge Jessen, probably in already in 1952 when the Collected Works was published. Jessen then also supplemented the collection with the material related to the publication of Bohr's Collected Mathematical Works. In December 1993 Hanne Bohr, a daughter of Harald Bohr, handed over the original press clippings in folder 2, the manuscripts for speeches in folder 29 and a few of the reprints of obituaries in folder 3. Later, more has been added to this material. In 1994 xerox copies of the part of the correspondence between Bohr and Richard Courant in folder 7 was added by Asger Aaboe (New Haven, USA), who had got these copies in 1983 from the Courant Papers, kept privately by Ernest D. Courant (New York). Finally, Kurt Ramskov handed over the collection of interviews in box 16-17 and part of the xerox copies of press clippings in folder 2 in 1998. The letters from Esclangon, Pólya and van Dantzig in folder 11 were originally located in the collection Reprint about almost periodic functions, but was moved to the Harald Bohr papers in August 1998.


The copyright belongs to the descendants of Harald Bohr. Permission from Ramskov is necessary to apply the interviews in box 16 and 17.

This inventory was made by Kurt Ramskov, September 1998 and extended by the interviews in May 1999. A more detailed inventory in Danish of folder 1-3 and 12-19 is available in pdf format as well as in DVI format.

Further information on archival material etc.:
Theseus homepage of Harald Bohr.

A short biography of Bohr

Harald Bohr (1887-1951), the younger brother to the physicist Niels Bohr, study at the University of Copenhagen 1904-10 and got his doctoral degree here in February 1910. His dissertation was on Dirichlet series. During the period 1910-15 he was a docent at the university and during 1915-30 he was a professor in mathematics at the Polytechnics in Copenhagen. From 1930 until his death he was a professor in mathematics at the University of Copenhagen. In the period until the 1920s his research was in Dirichlet series and analytic number theory. However, he is best known for his creation of the theory of almost periodic functions in the middle of the 1920s. This theory made him international known. Bohr was the most prominent Danish mathematician in the first half of the 20th century.

He also became known international for his help to mathematicians, who had to leave Germany after the Nazis came to power in 1933 and for his importance in the international mathematical community. He had extremely many international contacts and collaborated with several foreign mathematicians, especially Edmund Landau.

His influence on mathematics in Denmark was also significant, through the textbook system Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse I-IV (known as "Bohr and Mollerup") written jointly with Mollerup, and as head of the first mathematics institute inaugurated in 1934. In Denmark he collaborated mainly with Børge Jessen and Erling Følner.

Survey of the parts of the collection

The material of the collection is divided into the subjects in the diagram below. In general the material belonging to a subject is then sorted chronological or alphabetical.

Subject Boxes
Biographical material 1
General correspondence 2
Scientific manuscripts and notes 3-4
Educational material 4-9
Publications 10
Speeches 10
Collected Mathematical Works 11-15
Procurement of the bust of Bohr 16
Interviews 16-17

Table of content of the boxes


Box 1
Folder 1: Personal papers
Folder 2: Press clippings
Folder 3: Obituaries in journals and newspapers
Folder 4: Memorial addresses and letters of condolence
Folder 5: Photos


Box 2
Folder 6: Letters from Salomon C. Bochner 1925-27
Folder 7: Correspondence from/to Richard Courant 1930-37
Folder 8: Letters from Godfrey H. Hardy 1910-16
Folder 9: Letters from Edmund Landau 1911-34
Folder 10: Letters to Edmund Landau 1910-13
Folder 11: Miscellaneous correspondence


Box 3
Folder 12: Notebook (not dated) [1904-08]
Folder 13 Manuscript on "fundamental sets" and fundamental series [1906-08]
Folder 14: Manuscript on series and integrals
Folder 15: Manuscript on series with arbitrary indices and Notebook 1908
Folder 16: Manuscript on the multiplication of two integrals 1908
Folder 17: Examination paper 1908
Folder 18: Notebooks from lectures attended in Göttingen 1909

Box 4
Folder 19: Large notebook [1909]
Folder 20: Manuscripts to articles 1940-51
Folder 21: Papers presented at congresses 1946-50
Folder 22: Miscellaneous undated manuscripts
Folder 23: Miscellaneous undated manuscripts without titles


Box 4 (continued)
Folder 24: Miscellaneous material related to Bohr's teaching
Manuscript for lectures on the theory of prime numbers 1910
Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, spring term 1911

Box 5
Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, fall term 1911
Manuscript for lectures on the Riemannian zeta function [1912]
Manuscript for lectures on the integral concept [1914]
Manuscript for lectures on number theory , fall 1927
Folder 25: Manuscripts for miscellaneous lectures 1928-33
Manuscript for lectures on number theory , spring 1932

Box 6
Manuscript for lectures on number theory I, , 1936
Manuscript for lectures on number theory II, , 1936
Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, fall 1940
Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, [1940-41]

Box 7
Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, [1941]
P. C. V. Hansen: Et Brudstykke af den analytiske Plangeometri. Autograferet ved N. P. Hansen [A fragment of the analytic geometry in the plane. Communicated by P. C. V. Hansen. Written by N.P. Hansen]. Bohr has written additional notes.
P. C. V. Hansen: Et Brudstykke af den analytiske Plangeometri. Autograferet ved N.Th. Skakke 1909 [A fragment of the analytic geometry in the plane. Communicated by P. C. V. Hansen. Written by N. Th. Skakke 1909].
P. C. V. Hansen: Tillæg til den analytiske Plangeometri og til den elementære Algebra. Autograferet ved N. Th. Skakke 1911 [Supplement to the analytic geometry in the plane and the elementary algebra. Communicated by P. C. V. Hansen. Written by N.Th. Skakke 1911].
P. C. V. Hansen: Lærebog i Differential- og Integralregning I [Textbook in the differential and integral calculus I].
P. C. V. Hansen: Lærebog i Differential- og Integralregning II [Textbook in the differential and integral calculus II].
Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse I 1915

Box 8
Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse II 1915
Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse III 1915-16
Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse IV 1915-16
Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse V 1915-16
Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse VI 1915-16

Box 9
Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse VII 1918
Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse VIII 1918
Harald Bohr & Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse. 1ste Afsnit, København 1915.
Harald Bohr & Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse. 2det Afsnit, 1. Hæfte, Jul. Gjellerups Forlag, København 1915.
Harald Bohr & Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse. 2det Afsnit, 2. Hæfte, Jul. Gjellerups Forlag, København 1916.
Harald Bohr & Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse. 2det Afsnit, 3. Hæfte, Jul. Gjellerups Forlag, København 1916.
Harald Bohr & Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse. 2det Afsnit, 4. Hæfte, Jul. Gjellerups Forlag, København 1916.
Harald Bohr & Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse. 3dje Afsnit, Jul. Gjellerups Forlag, København 1918.
Harald Bohr & Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse. 4de Afsnit, Jul. Gjellerups Forlag, København 1918.


Box 10
Folder 26: Reprints with Bohr's notes, 1910-47
Folder 27: Reprints of works not included in the Collected Works
Folder 28: The American edition of Fastperiodische Funktionen


Box 10 (continued)
Folder 29: Miscellaneous speeches 1934-50


Box 11
Folder 30: The organizational plan for volume I
Folder 31: The organizational plan for volume II
Folder 32: The organizational plan for volume III
Folder 33: Original manuscripts for the articles A1-A7
Folder 34: Original manuscripts for the articles A8-A22
Folder 35: Original manuscripts for the articles B1-B16
Folder 36: Original manuscripts for the articles B17-B26

Box 12
Folder 37: Original manuscripts for the articles C1-C7
Folder 38: Original manuscripts for the articles C8-C26
Folder 39: Original manuscripts for the articles C27-C33
Folder 40: Original manuscripts for the articles C34-C46
Folder 41: Original manuscripts for the articles C47-C54
Folder 42: Original manuscripts for the articles D1-D11

Box 13
Folder 43: Original manuscripts for the articles E1-E15
Folder 44: Original manuscripts for the articles F1-F3
Folder 45: Original manuscripts for the articles G1-G5, H
Folder 46: Original manuscripts, photos and proof sheets
Folder 47: Financial statements and correspondence 1951-65
Folder 48: Correspondence: editorial matters, proof reading etc. 1951-54

Box 14
Folder 49: Letters of permission to reproduce Bohr's articles
Folder 50: Advertising correspondence
Folder 51: Miscellaneous correspondence
Folder 52: Reviews and the address on the presentation
Folder 53: List of Bohr's works and printing blocks
Post- og telegramkvitteringsbog [Book of receipts]
Post- og telegramkvitteringsbog [Book of receipts]

Box 15
Card file with orders of the Collected Mathematical Works.


Box 16
Folder 54: Financial statements and photos of the bust
Folder 55: Correspondence and list of contributors


Box 16 (continued)
Folder 56: Interviews of Aage Bohr, Hanne Bohr, Ole and Jonna Bohr, Hilde Levi and Thøger Bang 1993

Box 17
Folder 57: Interviews of Hans Tornehave, Olaf Schmidt, Kaj Mollerup and Stefan Rozental 1993

Details about the content of some of the folders

Box 1

Folder 1: Personal Papers
A typed one page curriculum vitae in English, probably from 1946, and a handwritten letter in Danish of 2 March 1915 from King Christian X appointing Harald Bohr to professor at the Polytechnical College.

Folder 2: Press clippings
There are articles about his doctoral defense (7 articles from 1910), about his attempt to get a position at the University of Copenhagen (4 articles from 1916-17), about his invitation to become professor in Uppsala (5 articles from 1929), about his travels to America (1930, 1931, 1948), about the inauguration of the mathematics institute in Copenhagen (2 articles from 1934), about the Scandinavian congress of mathematicians in Copenhagen (1946) and several short clippings including pictures. Almost all are from Danish newspapers.

Folder 3: Obituaries in journals and newspapers
Obituaries from the following Danish newspapers: Berlingske Aftenavis, Berlingske Tidende, Information, Land og Folk, Nationaltidende, Politiken, Social-Demokraten, and from The Times.
Reprints of obituaries in the following Danish journals:
  • Ingeniøren 60 (1951), pp. 381-82,
  • Ballosophen. Medlemsblad for Akademisk Boldklub, Nr. 54, april 1951, pp. 1-2,
  • Matematisk Tidsskrift A (1951), pp. 1-18 [including a portrait],
  • Kjøbenhavns Boldklub 15 (1951), pp. 2-3,
  • Festskrift for Københavns Universitet, november 1951, pp. 95-100 [including a portrait],
  • Oversigt over Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Virksomhed (1950-51), pp. 61-67 [including a portrait],
  • Polyteknikeren 17 (1951), pp. 75-76,
  • Meddelelser fra Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber, No. 1, (1951), pp. 5-18 [including a bibliography],
  • Nordisk Astronomisk Tidsskrift (1951), pp. 37-38.

Reprints of obituaries in the following foreign journals:
  • Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 58 (1952), pp. 72-75,
  • Acta Mathematica 86 (1951), pp. I-XXIII,
  • Year Book of The American Philosophical Society (1952), pp. 307-11,
  • Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 1. Abteilung, 55 (1951), pp. 77-88,
  • Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (1951), pp. 177-79.

Folder 4: Memorial addresses and letters of condolence
Memorial words:
  • Handwritten manuscript in Danish of the memorial oration of Bohr by Børge Jessen at a joint meeting of Matematisk Forening, Matematiklærerforeningen and Parentesen 6 April 1951. 35 pp. (Printed in Matematisk Tidsskrift A (1951)).
  • Ved undervisningens begyndelse 2. febr. 1951 [At the beginning of the teaching 2 February 1951]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish by Børge Jessen with memorial words about Bohr. 2 pp.
  • A typed page written in Danish by the vice-warden (Vice-provsten på Regensen) about Bohr as warden. Undated.
  • Typed memorial words about Bohr in Danish written by Rigmor Adler (aunt to Bohr). 4 pp. Undated.

Letters of condolence etc:
  • Niels Hasager (Politiken) to Børge Jessen 25 January 1951, in Danish,
  • D. S. Kothari (National Institute of Sciences of India) to Børge Jessen 25 April 1951, and Jessen's reply 16 June 1951, both in English,
  • Otto Neugebauer to Børge Jessen 24 February 1951, in English,
  • Käte Fenchel to Børge Jessen 24 February 1951, in Danish,
  • Vilhelm Bohr to Børge Jessen 19 January 1982, in Danish.

Undated, handwritten notes about Bohr by Børge Jessen.

Folder 5: Photos
Photos of Bohr alone, with family or colleagues. 30 different photos from the period 1910-51. Most of them are press photos.

Box 2

Folder 6: Letters from Salomon C. Bochner 1925-27
15 handwritten letters in German from the German-Polish mathematician Salomon Ch. Bochner to Bohr from the period 1925-27. The content is about almost periodic functions.

Folder 7: Correspondence from/to Richard Courant 1930-37
The folder contains xerox copies of correspondence in German between Bohr and the German mathematician Richard Courant from the period 1930-37 mostly about organizational, political and other non-technical matters. There are 11 handwritten/typed letters from Bohr to Courant, 33 carbon copies of typed letters from Courant to Bohr and 1 letter from Neugebauer to Bohr.
The originals are in the Richard Courant Papers, at Ernest D. Courant (privately), New York.

Folder 8: Letters from Godfrey H. Hardy 1910-16
7 handwritten letters in English from the English mathematician Godfrey H. Hardy to Bohr from the period 1910-16 of which 2 is dated, 2 is partial dated and 3 is undated (probably all from the period 1910-16). The content is mostly mathematical.

Folder 9: Letters from Edmund Landau 1911-34
18 handwritten letters from the German mathematician Edmund Landau to Bohr from the period 1911-34, and some fragments of letters or manuscripts (collected in the folder by Børge Jessen). The content is purely mathematical and in German.

Folder 10: Letters to Edmund Landau 1910-13
Drafts and copies of 8 handwritten letters in German from Bohr to Landau of which 5 is from the period 1910-13 and 3 is undated (but probably also from this period). Most of the content is about mathematics.

Folder 11: Miscellaneous correspondence
Letters to Bohr from:
Esclangon 19 December 1925, and drafts of letters from Bohr to Esclangon 13 December and 23 December 1925, all in French,
van Dantzig 24 February 1932 in German, which originally had included a reprint of van Dantzig's work "Ueber topologisch homogene Kontinua" in Fundamenta Mathematica 14 (1930), pp. 102-125,
Pólya 12 December 1926 in German,
A. K. Aubeck 1920 (with a manuscript) in Danish,
David Fog 1935 in Danish,
P. Erdös 1919 in English,
N. Brazma 1940 in German (with a manuscript in French),
Thøger Bang 1940 in Danish,
the Carlsberg Foundation 1950 in Danish.
Furthermore, there is a letter from Jean Favard to Caite from 1926 in French.
In addition some manuscripts and fragments of manuscripts mostly in French and not clearly related to any of the letters (collected in this folder by Børge Jessen).

Box 3

Folder 12: Notebook (not dated) [1904-08]
Yellow brownish hardcover booklet without author, title and date. It contains notes in Danish in Harald Bohr's handwriting related to textbooks and probably lectures he has attended. It is certainly a notebook from his student days, and from the content it has been dated to 1904-08 by Kurt Ramskov.

Folder 13: Manuscript on "fundamental sets" and fundament series [1906-08]
Undersøgelser over Fundamentalmængder samt den udvidede Jensen'ske Sætning. Skrevet i 1906-7, samlet i dette Papir 1908 [Studies of fundamental sets and the extended version of Jensen's theorem. Written 1906-7, collected in this paper 1908]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish written by Bohr. Part of it is a fair copy and parts of it are drafts. 26 pp.
Nogle Betragtninger over Fundamentalrækker i Almindelighed [Some general considerations on fundamental series] I \& II. Two purple booklet handwritten in Danish by Bohr. 23 pp. and 9 pp. It is the manuscript for a talk presented at a literature meeting of the Mathematical Society 19 February 1907.

Folder 14: Manuscript on series and integrals
Studier over "Rækker med vilkaarlige Indices" samt deres Anvendelse paa Række- og Integrallæren [Studies of "series with arbitrary indices" and their application to the theory of series and integrals]. A handwritten fair copy of a manuscript in Danish by Bohr. 90 pp. Undated, but dated to the fall of 1907 by Kurt Ramskov. Part of the manuscript was published in the journal Matematisk Tidsskrift in 1945.

Folder 15: Manuscript on series with arbitrary indices and Notebook 1908
Et Forsøg paa en Udvidelse af det sædvanlige Rækkebegreb [An attempt to an extension of the usual concept of series] A grey booklet with handwriting in Danish. Undated and 33 pp. It is the manuscript for the presentation in the Mathematical Society 16 January 1908. Part of it is not the handwriting of Bohr, but probably written by his mother Ellen Bohr.
The other item is a brownish booklet in hardcover titled: Opskrivningsbog 1908, Harald Bohr [Notebook 1908, Harald Bohr]. The major part is in Danish, but a small part is in German. Mathematical notes from 1908 and 1909. It contains a parallel presentation in two columns of the theory of summability of integrals and series with arbitrary indices, notes on Dirichlet series and on complex functions.

Folder 16: Manuscript on the multiplication of two integrals 1908
Undersøgelser over Multiplication af 2 bestemte Integraler udstrakte over uendelige Intervaller [Studies of the multiplication of two definite integrals on infinite intervals] 18 pp. Handwritten fair copy by Bohr in Danish dated May 1908. It is the Danish manuscript to the article "Recherches sur la multiplication de deux intégrales définies prises entre des limites infinies", Oversigt over Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger (1908), pp. 213-32.

Folder 17: Examination paper 1908
Om Konvergensen af de Dirichlet'ske Rækker. Eksamensopgave af Harald A. Bohr [On the convergence of Dirichlet series. Examination paper by Harald A. Bohr]. A handwritten fair copy of a manuscript in Danish. 103 pp. and undated. This is Bohr's large written examination paper for the magisterkonferens exam. The problem was set 5 November 1908 and the examination handed in 17 December 1908 (according to the Yearbook of the university 1908-09, p. 735).

Folder 18: Notebooks from lectures attended in Göttingen 1909
Three black hardcover notebooks with notes written by Bohr at lectures he attended in Göttingen in the summer semester of 1909:
  • Hilbert: Ausgewählte Fragen der Funktionentheorie
  • Hilbert, Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie, Göttingen Sommersemester 1909
  • Elliptische Funktionen (Dr. Kóbe)
All notes are handwritten and in German. The name Kóbe refers to the German mathematician Koebe.

Box 4

Folder 19: Large notebook [1909]
Large hardcover notebook with 240 numbered pages. It contains handwritten notes by Bohr in Danish and the major part is notes in relation to his doctoral dissertation. Undated, but from the content it was dated to 1909 by Kurt Ramskov.

Folder 20: Manuscripts to articles 1940-51
The folder contains the following manuscripts:
  • Zum Picardschen Satz 8 pp. Typewritten manuscript in German to an article published in the journal of the Russian academy in 1940 and Matematisk Tidsskrift B (1940), pp. 1-6.
  • En bemærkning om Dirichletske rækkers ligelige konvergens [A remark on the uniform convergence of Dirichlet series] 9 pp. Handwritten manuscript by Bohr in Danish and a typewritten version of the same manuscript, but without formulas. It was published in Matematisk Tidsskrift B (1951), pp. 1-8.

Folder 21: Papers presented at congresses 1946-50
The folder contains the following manuscripts:
  • Address at the Scandinavian Congress of mathematicians in Copenhagen 26 August 1946. Typed manuscript in Danish. 8 pp.
  • Forelæggelse af en ny Udgave af Zeuthens Matematikens Historie [Presentation of a new edition of Zeuthen's History of Mathematics]. Typewritten manuscript in Danish of a paper presented at the Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians in Trondheim 1949 and published in the proceedings. 9 pp.
  • A survey of the different proofs of the main theorems in the theory of almost periodic functions. Typewritten manuscript in English with many handwritten corrections and including 3 pages titled "Tavleopskrift Harvard" [Blackboard recipe Harvard]. It is the manuscript to the talk presented at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1950 (which was published in the proceedings). 16 pp.

Folder 22: Miscellaneous undated manuscripts
It contains the following manuscripts:
  • Summabilitet af $\int_0^\infty$ a(t)e-ts dt [Summability of $\int_0^\infty a(t) e-ts dt]. Undated handwritten manuscript by Bohr in Danish. 52 pp.
  • Über einige Fragen aus der Konvergenz- und Multiplikationstheorie der Dirichletschen Reihen. Undated handwritten manuscript by Bohr in German. 13 pp. There is also a collection of draft sheets to this manuscript with many corrections.
  • Lidt om Integralligninger med Henblik paa senere Anvendelse paa næsten periodiske Funktioner [A bit about integral equations concerning later applications to almost periodic functions]. Undated handwritten manuscript by Bohr in Danish. 16 pp. On the cover sheet Jessen has written: "probably Göttingen 1928-29".

Folder 23: Miscellaneous undated manuscripts without titles
The folder contains three manuscripts:
  • Handwritten manuscript in Danish about the cotangent function as an infinite series. 6 pp.
  • Untitled sheets containing mathematical work on the zeta function in German.
  • Furthermore miscellaneous manuscript sheets in Danish without titles.

Folder 24: Miscellaneous material related to Bohr's teaching
  • Udvalgte Emner fra Analyse, Talteori (og Algebra) [Selected topics from analysis, number theory (and algebra)]. Undated handwritten manuscript by Bohr containing 12 selected topics with a short description of each. 4 pp.
  • Original list of attendants to Bohr's lectures on almost periodic functions in the fall semester of 1950.
  • Harald Bohr i lektionskataloget: annoncerede forelæsninger (1911-1951) [Harald Bohr in the lecture catalogue: announced lectures 1911-1951]. List made by Børge Jessen of Bohr's lectures in that period on the basis of the catalogue of announced lectures.
  • The petition from the students in mathematics 7 April 1929 asking Harald Bohr to stay in Copenhagen and not to accept the position offered him at Uppsala. In Danish and signed by 105 students.
  • The petition from the first year mathematics students 25 November 1942 regretting their loss of Harald Bohr as lecturer at the course in analysis. In Danish and signed by around 50 students.

Manuscript for lectures on the theory of prime numbers, 1910
Harald A. Bohr: Forelæsninger over Primtallæren! 1ste Semester 1910 [Lectures on the theory of prime numbers! First semester 1910]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish in a booklet.

Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, spring term 1911
Harald Bohr: Forelæsninger holdte Foraarssemestret 1911 [Lectures delivered in the spring semester of 1911]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish in a booklet on Picard's theorem in the theory of complex functions.

Box 5

Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, fall term 1911
Harald Bohr, Stockholmsgade 37: Forelæsninger over Funktionstheori. Efteraar 1911 [Lectures on function theory. Fall 1911]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish in a booklet.

Manuscript for lectures on the Riemannian zeta function [1912]
Harald Bohr: Forelæsninger over den Riemann'ske Zetafunktion [Lectures on the Riemann zeta function]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish in a booklet, probably from 1912.

Manuscript for lectures on the integral concept [1914]
H. Bohr: Forelæsninger over Integralbegrebet [Lectures on the integral concept]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish in a booklet, probably fall 1914. 65 pp.

Manuscript for lectures on number theory, fall 1927
Harald Bohr: Forelæsninger over Talteori. Efteraar 1927. Grundtræk af den elementære og analytiske Talteori [Lectures on number theory: Fundamentals on the elementary and analytic number theory. Fall 1927]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish in a booklet. 135 pp.

Folder 25: Manuscripts for miscellaneous lectures 1928-33
The folder contains three manuscripts:
  • A handwritten manuscript by Bohr in German about the Weierstrass approximation theorem. 8 pp. On the cover sheet is written by Jessen: "Harald Bohr, Forelæsning over Weierstrass' Approximationssætning (formentlig Göttingen 1928-29)" [Lecture on the Weierstrass approximation theorem, probably Göttingen 1928-29].
  • Schedules of lectures in function theory. Handwritten manuscript by Bohr in Danish. 16 pp. On the cover sheet is written by Jessen: "Harald Bohr, Forelæsninger over Funktionsteori Efteraarssemesteret 1931. Forelæsningsøvelser for 3. Semester." [Lecture on function theory, fall semester 1931. Lecture tutorials for the third semester].
  • H. Bohr: Blandede Forelæsninger (Begyndt April 1933) [H. Bohr: Miscellaneous lectures (started April 1933)]. Handwritten manuscript by Bohr in Danish. 15 pp.

Manuscript for lectures on number theory, spring 1932
Harald Bohr: Forelæsninger over Talteori Foraar 1932 [Lectures on number theory, spring 1932]. Handwritten manuscript by Bohr in Danish in a hardcover booklet.

Box 6

Manuscript for lectures on number theory I & II, 1936
Harald Bohr: Forelæsninger over Talteori I & II [Lectures on number theory, I & II]. Handwritten manuscript by Bohr in Danish in two hardcover booklet. Volume I contains pp. 1-234, while volume II contains pp. 236-336. Corrections have been written later showing that the manuscripts was used for the lectures in the spring semester of 1936, the fall semesters of 1937, 1939 and 1946, and by Thøger Bang in the fall semester of 1951.

Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, fall 1940
Harald Bohr: Funktionsteori I Efteraaret 1940 [Function theory, fall 1940]. Handwritten manuscript by Bohr in Danish in a hardcover booklet. 231 pp.

Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, [1940-41]
Harald Bohr: Funktionsteori II [Function theory]. Handwritten manuscript by Bohr in Danish in a hardcover booklet. Undated, but a continuation of the lecture manuscript from 1940 above. 230 pp. The first part used in the fall semester of 1940 and the second part in the spring semester of 1941. The same manuscript was used for lectures in the fall semester of 1948 and 1950 according to the last page. Furthermore a list of attendants is included for the fall of 1950.

Box 7

Manuscript for lectures on the theory of complex functions, [1941]
Harald Bohr: Funktionsteori III [Harald Bohr: Function theory]. Handwritten notes by Bohr in Danish in a hardcover booklet. Undated, but probably a continuation of the lecture manuscript from 1940-41 used in the spring semester of 1941. 165 pp.

P. C. V. Hansen: Lærebog i Differential- og Integralregning I [Textbook in the differential and integral calculus I].
Bohr's copy of the pages 1-244 printed on every second page and with Bohr's notes and corrections on the empty pages.

P. C. V. Hansen: Lærebog i Differential- og Integralregning II [Textbook in the differential and integral calculus II].
Bohr's copy of the pages 245-469 printed on every second page and with Bohr's notes and corrections on the empty pages.

Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse I
Harald Bohr og Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse (En foreløbig Udarbejdelse til Brug ved Forelæsninger paa Polyteknisk Læreanstalt). 1ste Afsnit: Elementær-algebraiske Undersøgelser med Anvendelse paa den analytiske Plangeometri og Rumgeometri, København 1915 [Textbook in mathematical analysis (A preliminary version for the use at the lectures at the Polytechnical College). First part: Elementary algebraic examinations with applications at the analytic geometry in the plane and space]. Bohr's copy of the pages 1-252 of part I of the textbook printed on every second page with Bohr's notes and corrections on the empty pages. Bound as Bohr's volume I.

Box 8

Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse II
Harald Bohr og Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse (En foreløbig Udarbejdelse til Brug ved Forelæsninger paa Polyteknisk Læreanstalt). 1ste Afsnit: Elementær-algebraiske Undersøgelser med Anvendelse paa den analytiske Plangeometri og Rumgeometri, København 1915 [Textbook in mathematical analysis (A preliminary version for the use at the lectures at the Polytechnical College). First part: Elementary algebraic examinations with applications at the analytic geometry in the plane and space]. Bohr's copy of the pages 253-486 of part I of the textbook printed on every second page with his notes and corrections on the empty pages. Bound as Bohr's volume II.

Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse III
Harald Bohr og Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse (En foreløbig Udarbejdelse til Brug ved Forelæsninger paa Polyteknisk Læreanstalt). 2det Afsnit: Læren om de reelle Funktioner med Anvendelse paa den analytiske Plangeometri og Rumgeometri, København 1915-16 [Textbook in mathematical analysis (A preliminary version for use at the lectures at the Polytechnical College). Second part: The theory of real functions with applications to the analytic geometry in the plane and space]. Bohr's copy of the pages 1-190 of part II of the textbook printed on every second page with his notes and corrections on the empty pages. Bound as Bohr's volume III.

Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse IV
Harald Bohr og Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse (En foreløbig Udarbejdelse til Brug ved Forelæsninger paa Polyteknisk Læreanstalt). 2det Afsnit: Læren om de reelle Funktioner med Anvendelse paa den analytiske Plangeometri og Rumgeometri, København 1915-16 [Textbook in mathematical analysis (A preliminary version for use at the lectures at the Polytechnical College). Second part: The theory of real functions with applications to the analytic geometry in the plane and space]. Bohr's copy of the pages 191-478 of part II of the textbook printed on every second page with his notes and corrections on the empty pages. Bound as Bohr's volume IV.

Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse V
Harald Bohr og Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse (En foreløbig Udarbejdelse til Brug ved Forelæsninger paa Polyteknisk Læreanstalt). 2det Afsnit: Læren om de reelle Funktioner med Anvendelse paa den analytiske Plangeometri og Rumgeometri, København 1915-16 [Textbook in mathematical analysis (A preliminary version for use at the lectures at the Polytechnical College). Second part: The theory of real functions with applications to the analytic geometry in the plane and space]. Bohr's copy of the pages 479-766 of part II of the textbook printed on every second page with his notes and corrections on the empty pages. Bound as Bohr's volume V.

Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse VI
Harald Bohr og Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse (En foreløbig Udarbejdelse til Brug ved Forelæsninger paa Polyteknisk Læreanstalt). 2det Afsnit: Læren om de reelle Funktioner med Anvendelse paa den analytiske Plangeometri og Rumgeometri, København 1915-16 [Textbook in mathematical analysis (A preliminary version for use at the lectures at the Polytechnical College). Second part: The theory of real functions with applications to the analytic geometry in the plane and space]. Bohr's copy of the pages 766-899 of part II of the textbook printed on every second page with his notes and corrections on the empty pages. Bound as Bohr's volume VI.

Box 9

Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse VII
Harald Bohr og Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse (En foreløbig Udarbejdelse til Brug ved Forelæsninger paa Polyteknisk Læreanstalt). 3die Afsnit: Grænseprocesser, København 1918 [Textbook in mathematical analysis (A preliminary version for the use at the lectures at the Polytechnical College). Third part: Limit processes]. Bohr's copy of this third part of the textbook printed on every second page with his notes and corrections on the empty pages. Bound as Bohr's volume VII.

Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse VIII
Harald Bohr og Johannes Mollerup: Lærebog i Matematisk Analyse (En foreløbig Udarbejdelse til Brug ved Forelæsninger paa Polyteknisk Læreanstalt). 4de Afsnit: Læren om de komplekse Tal, København 1918 [Textbook in mathematical analysis (A preliminary version for the use at the lectures at the Polytechnical College). Fourth part: The theory of complex numbers]. Bohr's copy of this part IV printed on every second page with his notes and corrections on the empty pages. Bound as Bohr's volume VIII.

Box 10

Folder 26: Reprints with Bohr's notes, 1910-47
Reprints of Bohr's works with corrections and comments made either as part of the proof-reading, after the article has been printed or in connection with the preparation of Bohr's Collected Mathematical Works. In the first case Bohr himself has written the comments, while in the two other cases the comments have been written by Følner or Jessen. There is reprint of the following works:
  • Bidrag til de Dirichlet'ske Rækkers Theori. Afhandling for den filosofiske Doktorgrad. G. E. C. Gad, København 1910. xii+136 pp.
  • Sur l'existence de valeurs arbitrairement petites de la fonction $\zeta(s) = \zeta(\sigma + it)$ de Riemann pour $\sigma$ > 1. Oversigt over Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger (1911), pp. 201-08.
  • Über das Verhalten von $\zeta(s)$ in der Halbebene $\sigma$ > 1. Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse (1911), pp. 409-28.
  • With Landau: Über die Zetafunktion. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 32 (1911), pp. 278-85.
  • Über die Funktion $\frac{\zeta'}{\zeta}(s)$. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 141 (1912), pp. 217-34.
  • Sur la fonction $\zeta(s)$ de Riemann. Société Mathématique de France, comptes rendus des séances (1914), pp. 52-66.
  • Et Eksempel paa en Bevismetode. Matematisk Tidsskrift, Afdeling B (1920), p. 46.
  • Another proof of Kronecker's theorem. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (2) 21 (1922), pp. 315-16.
  • Über einen Satz von Edmund Landau. Scripta Universitatis atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymitanarum, Mathematica et Physica no. 2 1 (1923), pp. 1-5.
  • Sur l'approximation des fonctions presque périodiques par des sommes trigonométriques. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 177 (1923), pp. 1090-92.
  • Sur les fonctions presque périodiques d'une variable complexe. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 180 (1925), pp. 645-47.
  • On the limit values of analytic functions. The Journal of the London Mathematical Society 2 (1927), pp. 180-81.
  • Bericht über die Theorie der fastperiodischer Funktionen. Atti del Congresso Internazionale dei Matematici, Bologna, Volume II, 1928, pp. 283-288.
  • Über ganze transzendente Funktionen von einem besonderen Typus. (Beispiel einer allgemeinen Konstruktionsmethode.) Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse (1929), pp. 565-71.
  • With Besicovitch: Almost periodicity and general trigonometric series. Acta Mathematica 57 (1931), pp. 203-292.
  • T. Bonnesen 27. Marts 1873-14. Marts 1935. Oversigt over Det kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Virksomhed (1935-36), pp. 87-102.
  • Kleinere Beiträge zur Theorie der fastperiodischen Funktionen. VII-VIII. VII. Stark stationäre und schwach stationäre Funktionen. VIII. Über den Logarithmus einer positiven fastperiodischen Funktion. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser no. 7, 14 (1936), 24 pp.
  • Contributions to the theory of analytic almost periodic functions. On the behaviour of an analytic almost periodic function in the neighbourhood of a boundary for its almost periodicity. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser no. 18, 20 (1943), 37 pp.
  • Om S-næstenperiodiske Funktioner med lineært uafhængige Exponenter. Norsk Matematisk Tidsskrift 26 (1944), pp. 33-40.
  • Et Tilbageblik. Matematisk Tidsskrift A (1947), pp. 1-27.

Folder 27: Reprints of works not included in the Collected Works
The folder does not contain all Bohr's works not included in the Collected Mathematical Works.
  • Una generalizzazione della teoria delle serie di Fourier. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana 3 (1924), pp. 220-24.
  • L'approssimazione delle funzioni quasi periodiche. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana 4 (1925), pp. 211-15.
  • Niels Nielsen (2. December 1865-16. September 1931). Oversigt over Det kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Virksomhed (1931-32), pp. 136-145.
  • "Ny Matematik" i Tyskland. Berlingske Aften, 1 May 1934, p. 9. [Newspaper article].
  • T. Bonnesen 27. Marts 1873-14. Marts 1935. Oversigt over Det kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Virksomhed (1935-36), pp. 87-102.
  • Festskrift til Harald Bohr. Til Harald Bohr fra Venner og Elever i Anledning af hans 50 Aars Fødselsdag 22. April 1937. Reprint of Matematisk Tidsskrift, Afdeling B from the year 1937.
  • Zum Picardschen Satz. [Russisk tidsskrift] (1940), pp. 29-33.
  • A. S. Bang. 1866-1942. Matematisk Tidsskrift A (1942), pp. 77-78.
  • Indledningstale ved Aabningsmødet. Den 10. Skandinaviske Matematikerkongres i København 26.-30. August 1946. Jul. Gjellerups Forlag, København 1947, pp. XVIII-XXV.
  • Forelæggelse af en ny Udgave af Zeuthens Matematikens Historie. Den 11te Skandinaviske Matematikerkongres i Trondheim 22-25 August 1949. Johan Grundt Tanums Forlag, Oslo 1952, pp. 195-200.
  • Om en ny Udgave af Zeuthens Matematikens Historie. Matematisk Tidsskrift A (1949), pp. 60-66.
  • Johannes Hjelmslev in memoriam 1873-1950. Acta Mathematica 83 (1950), pp. vii-ix.
  • Address of professor Harald Bohr. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Cambridge, Massachussetts, U.S.A. August 30-September 6, 1950. Edited by Lawrence Graves et al. American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island 1952, pp. 127-134.
  • Matematiske arbejder med pædagogisk sigte. Dansk Matematisk Forening, København 1987. (Reprint of some of Bohr's pedagogical and elementary works).

Folder 28 The American edition of Fastperiodische Funktionen
The Fastperiodische Funktionen was translated into English and published by Chelsea Publishing Company without Bohr's knowledge, because the copyright was taken over by the USA from Germany as part of the spoils of World War II.
The folder contains letters and documents 1948-50 from ministries and authorities in Denmark and USA in the attempt to get the copyright back to Bohr.

Folder 29: Miscellaneous speeches 1934-50
It is a collection of speeches given by Bohr at different events.
  • The inauguration of the mathematics institute. Typed manuscript without formal title of Bohr's speech. February 1934. In Danish. 10 pp.
  • A Scandinavian meeting of the Social-Liberal parties. Typed manuscript of a speech in Danish. Dated February 1939. 2 pp.
  • Interview with Harald Bohr about soccer by H. Bendixen on the radio 28 April 1939. Typed manuscript in Danish. 7 pp. Including a two-page transcription of some remarks by Niels Bohr from a grammophone record broadcasted on the radio in connection with the interview.
  • Nogle Ord om Videnskaben i de almenmenneskelige eller i de agressiv nationalistiske Bestræbelsers Tjeneste [Some words about science in service of the universal human effort or the aggressive nationalistic effort]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish with the title above crossed out. Undated, but probably from 1943-45 (marked "Sweden"). 8 pp.
  • Nogle Ord ved dansk Møde i Lund 5. Maj 1945 [Some words at a Danish meeting in Lund 5 May 1945]. Handwritten manuscript in Danish. 2 pp.
  • Harald Bohr: Tale ved Folkemøde i Lund [Harald Bohr: Speech at a popular meeting in Lund]. Typed manuscript in Danish with an enclosed handwritten sheet. Dated May 1951, which however must be wrong. 3 pp. (2 copies).
  • Speech at the Danish Red Cross evening for Poland 20 September 1945. Handwritten manuscript in Danish by Harald Bohr. 4 pp. The programme of the evening is included.
  • Erich Hecke. Handwritten manuscript in Danish of the memorial words by Bohr at the funeral of Erich Hecke 17 February 1947. 5 pp.
  • Presentation of an astronomical work of Neugebauer at the Royal Danish Academy, November 1948. Typed manuscript in Danish with a lot of handwritten corrections. 11 pp.
  • Memorial words about Johannes Hjelmslev. Typed manuscript in Danish with handwritten corrections of a speech by Bohr in the Society for the history of exact sciences. Dated April 1950. 7 pp.
  • An international aid language. Typed manuscript in Danish to a speech. Undated. 4 pp.

Box 11

Folder 30-32: The organizational plan for volume I-III
A detailed description of what should be printed on each page in the three volumes, including which pages contain corrections and the time schedule.

Folder 33-44: Original manuscripts for the articles
The original manuscripts for each article to be printed in Bohr's Collected Mathematical Works made from reprints. Corrections and footers are added. They are sorted according to the printing order in the Collected Mathematical Works.

Box 13

Folder 46: Original manuscripts, photos and proof sheets
The folder contains originals for the additional material in the three volumes of Bohr's Collected Works:
  • Looking Back. A draft of the translation into English of the article Et Tilbageblik (1947) with corrections.
  • A list of corrections for the three volumes.
  • Proof sheets of the title page, editor's introduction, the article Looking Back and the tables of content for the three volumes.
  • Original and trial proof of the three photos of Harald Bohr in the Collected Works.

Folder 47: Financial statements and correspondence 1951-65
This folder contains the following material:
  • Account book for the Collected Works.
  • Statements of the account 1954-65.
  • Invoices and other vouchers to the account.
  • Correspondence with the Rask-Ørsted Foundation and the Carlsberg Foundation (applications for money to publish, approvals of the applications and letters about the account) 1951-65.
  • Correspondence (from 1953) with the bookbinder J. H. Schultz including a list of the number of copies of the three volumes.
  • Letters from 1951 containing bids from printers and publishers.
  • Insurance policies for paper and the storage of the books.

Folder 48: Correspondence: editorial matters, proof reading etc. 1951-54
Correspondence between Børge Jessen and others. The number of letters to Jessen is listed first and the number of letters written by Jessen (existing in carbon copy) is listed second.
  • Abram S. Besicovitch, 3/0 letters 1951-53
  • L. S. Bosanquet, 27/15 letters 1952-53. About the proof reading on the editorial material in the collected works.
  • Richard Courant, 1/1 letters 1951-52
  • Donald Flanders, 1/3 letters 1951-52
  • Erling Følner, 26/1 letters 1951-53. About proof reading, but also other things.
  • Marianne Landau and I. J. Schoenberg 1953-54
  • Otto Larsen, 17/0 letters 1951-53. About proof reading.
  • John E. Littlewood, 3/0 letters 1951-52
  • Otto Neugebauer, 4/2 letters 1951-53
  • Olaf Schmidt, 1/1 letters 1951

Box 14

Folder 49: Letters of permission to reproduce Bohr's articles
Permission was obtained from the following institutions/publishers (the numbers were assigned to the correspondence by Børge Jessen).
  • Stockholms Högskola (Harald Cramér) (1006)
  • Institut de France (1008)
  • Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (1009)
  • Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien (J. Radon) (1010)
  • Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (1011)
  • Springer-Verlag (1012)
  • B. G. Teubner (1013)
  • Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (1014)
  • Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique (1015)
  • The Clarendon Press, Oxford (1018)
  • The Johns Hopkins Press (1019)
  • The London Mathematical Society (1020)
  • Mathematisches Seminar Universität Hamburg (1021)
  • Annals of Mathematics (1022)
  • Schweizerische Mathematische Gesellschaft (1023)
  • Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (1024)
  • Societas scientiarum varsaviensis (1025)
  • Duke Mathematical Journal (1026)
  • Norsk Matematisk Forening (1027)
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (1028)
  • The Mathematical Association of America (1029)
  • Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (1030)
  • Journal d'analyse matematique (1031)
  • The Jewish National & University Library, Jerusalem (1032)
  • Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1033)
  • Russian Academy of Sciences (1034)
  • Lundequistska Bokhandeln
  • Nicola Zanichelli Editore
  • Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • International Congress of Mathematicians, New York City
  • Matematisk og Mekanisk Institutt, Blindern ved Oslo
  • Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics, New York (Natascha Artin)

Folder 50: Advertising correspondence
The correspondence was:
  • Final order form of the Collected Work in English and drafts of versions in German and French.
  • Correspondence with societies and associations about advertising the Collected Mathematical Works to their members:
    • Matematiklærerforeningen
    • Société mathematique de France
    • Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft
    • Wiskundig Genootschap
    • American Mathematical Society
    • International Mathematical Union

Folder 51: Miscellaneous correspondence
Most of the correspondence is letters to Jessen thanking for receiving one or more volumes of Bohr's Collected Works.

Folder 52: Reviews and the address on the presentation
The material in this folder is:
  • The review of the Collected Works in Zentralblatt and Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society.
  • Correspondence with Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt
  • Ved forelæggelsen af Harald Bohrs værker i Videnskabernes Selskab 18. dec. 1953 [At the presentation of Harald Bohr's Works at the Academy of Sciences, 18 December 1953]. Manuscript in Danish handwritten by Børge Jessen. 7 pp.
  • List of orders of the Collected Works from people and institutions.
  • Miscellany: registration at Danish libraries.

Folder 53: List of Bohr's works and printing blocks
The publications of Harald Bohr chronologically arranged. A file of typewritten records of each of Bohr's publications. Furthermore, there is 5 printing blocks of pictures in the Collected Works.

Post- og telegramkvitteringsbog [Book of receipts]
Two books of receipts with receipts for sent postal parcel containing the Collected Works.

Box 16

Folder 54: Financial statements and photos of the bust
Account of the collected money to the bust (at the Mathematical library, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet) etc.

Folder 55: Correspondence and list of contributors
There is a list of the contributors to the bust of Bohr. It also includes Haandbog for Dansk Ingeniørforening 1946-47 with a list of members and Medlemsförteckning 1946 of members of the Scandinavian actuarian societies.

Folder 56: Interviews of Aage Bohr, Hanne Bohr, Ole and Jonna Bohr, Hilde Levi and Thøger Bang 1993
Interview of Aage Bohr about Harald Bohr, 18 May 1993. The interviewer: Kurt Ramskov. Tape HBohr 5. A transcript of the tape on 7 pages.
Interview of Hanne Bohr about Harald Bohr, 8 December 1993. The interviewer: Kurt Ramskov. Tape HBohr 8. A transcript of the tape on 37 pages.
Interview of Ole og Jonna Bohr about Harald Bohr, 14 January 1993. The interviewer: Kurt Ramskov. Tape HBohr 2 and 3. A transcript of the tape on 20 pages.
Interview of Hilde Levi about Harald Bohr, 17 May 1993. The interviewer: Kurt Ramskov. Tape HBohr 5. A transcript of the tape on 9 pages and edited version on 6 pages.
Interview of Thøger Bang about Harald Bohr, 13 January 1993. The interviewer: Kurt Ramskov. Tape HBohr 2. A transcript of the tape on 13 pages and an edited version on 9 pages.
Remark: All interviews are in Danish. The transcripts exist as computer files either in WordPerfect or LaTeX format. Contact Kurt Ramskov for details.

Box 17

Mappe 57: Interviews of Hans Tornehave, Olaf Schmidt, Kaj Mollerup and Stefan Rozental 1993
Interview of Hans Tornehave about Harald Bohr, 11 January 1993. The interviewer: Kurt Ramskov. Tape HBohr 1. A transcript of the tape on 31 pages.
Interview of Olaf Schmidt about Harald Bohr, 17 May 1993. The interviewer: Kurt Ramskov. Tape HBohr 4. A transcript of the tape on 27 pages.
Interview of Kaj Mollerup about Harald Bohr, 4 June 1993. The interviewer: Kurt Ramskov. Tape HBohr 6. A transcript of the tape on 16 pages and an edited version on 11 pages.
Interview of Stefan Rozental about Harald Bohr, 6 December 1993. The interviewer: Kurt Ramskov. Tape HBohr 7. A transcript of the tape on 18 pages.
Remark: All interviews are in Danish. The transcripts exist as computer files either in WordPerfect or LaTeX format. Contact Kurt Ramskov for details.